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简介描述 - Beautiful Free Stock Photos (CC0)

The #1 source for beautiful free photos. High quality and high resolution stock images free from all copyright restrictions (CC0) - no attribution required.

About StockSnap
Welcome to StockSnap!

We know how crucial finding precisely the right image can be to the success of your creative project.

Whether you're building a business website, creating a print brochure, crafting a digital or magazine ad, or some other brilliant creative project, you know that a great image helps your content transcend "good" and become "great." Compelling, eye-catching, attention-grabbing work on the web especially needs sharp, arresting visual images to succeed.

That, in essence, is why StockSnap exists.

We offer beautiful, high quality stock photos for just about any use you can think of - including commercial usage - for free. No tricks, no gimmicks, no fine print; just dazzling images for your creative projects.

The Need for Quality Stock Images
At StockSnap, we know how frustrating it can be to look for the right images for your digital and print projects. There are so many factors to consider: content, angle, color scheme, composition, artistry, and more.

Then there are the business aspects to think about. How much will using this image cost you? Can you do what you need to do with it? How about editing it? What's allowed? What's prohibited?

This is a problem StockSnap was created to solve. Here, you'll find no complicated credit requirements or expensive pricing schemes based on usage. In fact, all of our images are absolutely free to use, for absolutely any purpose whatsoever.

StockSnap is built on a very simple premise:

We promise our users an ever-expanding collection of the best, most beautiful stock images for free. And we offer these images under a single, simple CC0 license that lets you do what you want with all our photos, with no attribution required.

Finding Images on StockSnap
We curate only the highest quality images from a huge pool of submissions, then make them available for browsing, download and use, entirely for free. But with thousands upon thousands of images in our ever-growing collection, how can you find the right image for your needs?

You can use StockSnap's tag-based category system to help you browse and locate the images that convey the right mood, feeling, sense, or content for your needs.

For example, if you know you'd like to use images that include people as subjects, simply click on the "People" category. You'll see over 5,000 images featuring people in the frame, sorted into descending order of relevance.

Or let's say you know you need to evoke a certain emotion - say, "love." Click on our "love" category tag and see over 300 heart-felt photos of couples and romance.

And if you know exactly what you're looking for, try our search feature. Looking for images that specifically depict, for example, a "beach"? Type it into our search bar at the top left of every page on our site and you'll see 1,000+ free travel photos of beautiful vacation landscapes.

You can also browse images that have been most recently added to our growing collection and are trending in popularity among StockSnap's diverse family of users.

Our Community
We're very grateful for all the photographers who share their work for free. Without these inspired artists, StockSnap would cease to exist - or worse yet, be like every other boring stock image site ever.

To show our appreciation, we identify the author of each photograph and link back to their profile. Our mission is nothing less than creating a large, vibrant community of supremely talented photographers who are eager to share their work with the world.

If you're a photographer, why not join us? We'd love to feature your work on our site.

StockSnap is eager to host creative, skilled visual content creators. All you have to do to get started is simply create a free account by clicking here.

Then pick your best work and submit up to five images here. We'll review your images and, if they meet our strict quality control standards, we'll upload them for you, along with a link back to your website and appropriate credit to you, the image creator.

Questions? Need More Info?
If you have any questions or concerns, first check out our FAQ. If your questions aren't answered there to your satisfaction, just reach out via email to contact us. We'll get back to you as soon as possible. We value thoughtful input from our creators and our user community, so please let us know how we can make StockSnap better for you!







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